
forex trading strategy 10 pips per day

stick of dynamite showing how dangerous 10 pips a day can be

There is much of talk in the world of Forex, and has been for few time, about the 10 pips a mean solar day strategy. It's a strategy that claims to "make you rich quickly" by accumulating just 10 pips to each one day. Well, I'm here to narrate you that not only leave IT non make you rich, it will belik be adrift your trading account if you springiness it enough time.

The hook of the strategy is the perception that making 10 pips a daylight lav accumulate into uppercase fortunes in a relatively short period. Because, equally those who promote the strategy will tell you, it's easy make this amount each and day-after-day.

But 10 pips a day should be easy, right?

In essence, yes. But as we all know, becoming consistently profitable in the human race of Forexdannbsp;International Relations and Security Network't a theoretical endeavor, it's a practical one.

Therein article we're going to take a feeling at the controversial topic of making retributive 10 pips a day and wherefore it doesn't work. Every bit a result, you will learn a way to set performance targetsdannbsp;that account statement for gains as well as the take a chanc taken to make those gains.

Just first, let's talk about this 10 pips a day strategy in greater detail.

What is the 10 Pips a Day Forex Strategy?

The idea rump the strategy is to bearing fordannbsp;quick wins day-after-day. As the name implies, the finish isdannbsp;to make up a profit of 10 pips to each one day.

This sounds simple-minded enough, and in theory it should be. Merely again, profiting from the Forex marketdannbsp;International Relations and Security Network't theoretical.

Most of the strategies out there that aim for a small number of pips daily also comport with them a bear-sized stop loss. At least large in comparability to the nominal profit potential from each apparatus. This strategy is no exception.

This is vastly different from what we make out, wheredannbsp;we aim for a proper risk to reward ratiodannbsp;of at to the lowest degree 1:2. Most of the strategies that aim for 10 pips a day manipulation a 90 pip stop loss or greater. I cause even seen some as large as 180 pips; to achieve just 10 pips of net income.

In heart they utilizedannbsp;the complete diametric approach to risk to honour asdannbsp;we do here at Daily Price Action. They subscribe on huge risk for little reward in exchange for a gamey win rate.

And therein lies the problem.

The Attractive force

Many traders like the idea of strategies like this because they produce quick wins and anticipat high win rates. American Samoa we all know, IT feels good to win. Think about how you felt after your last winning trade. Operating theater better yet, a series of winning trades.

Feels good, doesn't it?dannbsp;And why shouldn't it?

In that location's nothing wrong with flavor commodity after a winning trade.dannbsp;You put in the act upon to find a indulgent frame-up which resulted in a net. So there's nothing inside with a little pat along the back for a job well done.

Yet there is something wrong when you choose a strategy just because it induces a winning feeling more often than not. Or leastways that's the intent of the strategy.

You date, becoming a palmy Forex monger isn't well-nig winning, it's most becoming consistently profitable. In that respect's a walloping difference between the two.

It isn't or so feeling good when you win more often than feeling pitiful when you mislay.dannbsp;It isn't about feelings, period.

When you choose a trading strategy based on win order, you'Re letting your egotism do the decision-making for you. Your ego wants a strategy that's going to give you that nice "winning" flavor.

The logical side of your brain wants a trading scheme that testament grow your trading account. It's also the coherent pull of your brain that knows it takes a with child deal of sentence and practice to become consistently profitable.

Your egodannbsp;wants the net now and doesn't care how much you have to take chances to cotton on.

The Catastrophe

Before we talk about why the 10 pips a day scheme is disastrous, I want todannbsp;clear up 2 things:

  1. I'm non discrediting all scalping strategies. I'm sure whatever do work. What I am discrediting is the idea that you can aim for a specific number of pips each day, hebdomad or month and "get rich quick", as many who promote these strategies claim.
  2. There's nothing uncommon about 10 pips or 1 24-hour interval that I disfavour. I'm against aiming for any number of pips within any specified period of time – more on this later. I'm simply using the 10 pips a day strategy as an example.

Now let's get into wherefore a scheme like this is dangerous.

Unfavorable Peril to Reward Ratio

The ground of a strategy like the "10 pips a day" strategy is a high gear win rate. This involves risking a large sum of pips for a relatively smaller gain.

LET's use the 10 spot take lucre, 90 radar target stop going strategy as an lesson.

In order to transgress even with this strategy, you would have to get ahead 90% of the time. That substancedannbsp;out of 100 trades, you would demand 90 of them to turn a turn a profit.

That's an unrealistically high win rate for any Forex trading strategy. And that's just to get around even. If you want to in reality profit systematically you would need to win more than 90% of the time.

Call up approximately IT this way. You have twodannbsp;succeeding winning weeks, making your goal of 10 pips each daytime. So for ten days of trading, you cause ready-made 100 pips. At the end of those ten days you look unstoppable.

On the ordinaldannbsp;mean solar day, disaster strikes. Your stop red ink is hit for a 90 worst loss. And then after eleven days of trading, you have 10 pips of profit.dannbsp;Demoralized and frustrated, you set out in search of a new scheme that's going to make you millions.

Sound familiar?

This is the vicious cycle most Forex traders lively in, and it's wherefore using an adverse risk of exposure to reward ratio can be hazardous to your vocation arsenic a Forex trader.

Surreal Expectations

The unfavorable risk to reward ratio brings us to the close ground why the 10 pips a day scheme is dangerous – unrealistic expectations.

Any trading strategy that uses a fixed number of pips within a nominal period arsenic a goal is adannbsp;cataclysm waiting to happen. You can quote me thereon.

Here's why…

The market moves on its own docket. All week is unique, even as every day, hour and arcminute is unique. A currency pair South Korean won't give you the precise Lapp type of movement from 24-hour interval to day or week to week.

So why carry the same sum of money of profit each and every Clarence Day? It just doesn't pee sense.

The market isn't connected your schedule. To become a consistently fat Forex trader you wealthy person to take to take what the market gives you. That might mean not trading for a mean solar day or flatbottomed a calendar week.

To say that a market is going to move in a way that will produce 10 pips of turn a profit each and all day is completely unrealistic.

The Solution

Although price action trading is my preferable method of trading and has been for many long time, I'm not going to pitch it as the solution. Instead I'm exit to point you how to dress performance targets that are both achievable and also account for risk. This terminate be used for whatsoever trading strategy out there.

In order to do this, you will need to use two metrics to track your performance. The showtime metric should be your percentage gain. This will be the amount you aim for each month. I commend opening off someplace betwixt five to ten percentdannbsp;profit per month.

This is a realistic outlook and has real value. You know exactly how much 5 to ten percentagedannbsp;benefit per month would equal based on your account size. If you simply aim for 400 pips per calendar month, for example, who knows how much each pip is worth. It could Be $1 or $10. By using a percentage gain you are establishing a operation target with literal value.

The second metric unit of necessity to account for risk. After wholly, five to ten percentdannbsp;profit is great, but if you'Ra risking twenty percent to baffle there, that isn't so great.

For this metrical you're going to use an R-multiple. What is that, you ask? You simple take your profit target in pips and divide it by your stop loss in pips. For example a 300 pip fair game with a 100 pip stop loss would be 3R.

Therefore the goal for your second metric would be to maintain an middling 2R minimum for the calendar month. This forces you to depend for prosperous trade setups where the potential reward is at least twice the risk of infection.

There you stimulate IT. Or else of aiming for an discretional number ofdannbsp;pips per month, you take for five to ten percent per month while maintaining an average 2R minimum. You now have a goal that's going to produce gains while accounting for the risk taken to form those gains.

That'sdannbsp;what information technology takes to get on a consistently profitable Forex trader.


At the end of the daylight, strategies similar the "10 pips a day" Forex scheme aren't the job. At least not the etymon of the trouble.

The trouble is the idea thatdannbsp;profits from the Forex market tush embody put on a set agenda. Whether it's 10 pips, 20 pips or 30 pips a day. The market doesn't handle, nor will IT move in a way that will develop those kind of gains for you for each one and all 24-hour interval.

The other problem is risking cardinal times the potential payoff. Becoming systematically profitable is all about putting yourself in prosperous positions to make money.dannbsp;A trade frame-up where a personnel casualty is club times greater than the potential reward is the opposite of favorable.

You whitethorn say this is altogether just my opinion. And you would follow correct. Merely when was the last clock you heard a professional Forex trader read they were through for the day because they hit their 10 rack up goal?

Do you suppose George Soros or Account Lipschutzdannbsp;trade Forexdannbsp;in this manner? Of course not. As a matter of fact here is a inverted comma from Bill Lipschutzdannbsp;himself.

For the longer-condition trades, especially when eightfold leg option structures are involved and more or less uppercase may sustain to be employed, I look for a profit to loss ratio of at to the lowest degree five to extraordinary.

This article wasn't written to insinuate that the only way to profit from the Forex market is by using a 2R minimum on each trade. Or that price action is the only viable trading strategy. As we all know, that just International Relations and Security Network't true.

This article does, however, contribute to lightness thedannbsp;estimation that risking 90dannbsp;pips to brand 10 and expecting the market to give you those 10dannbsp;pips in profit more than 90% of the timedannbsp;is unrealistic. Dare I say unattainable?

Your Turn

Have you trieddannbsp;something similar to the 10 pips a day Forex strategy? Do you think the approach to setting performance targets discussed in this article will personify helpful in your trading?

Share your experience or ask a interrogation in the comments subdivision downstairs.

forex trading strategy 10 pips per day


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